Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Day 243: old towels for art class

Just yesterday, an art teacher at my school emailed the staff a request for old towels that could be used when cleaning up after ceramics class.  The goal is to use fewer consumables like paper towels.  It's an admirable idea, and I was so happy that I actually remembered to bring in three old dish towels.  It would be great to get some new dish towels anyway.  This is the type of donation I am really pleased with.  In years past, I might have seen the email from the art teacher, briefly though about how I might help, and then have gone on with my busy life, only returning to that email weeks later while cleaning out my inbox.  This year, I am much more cognizant of my opportunities to donate to other people's causes, and I actually feel grateful when I run across something that will easily fulfill my obligation for the day. 

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Day 242: 25 cents to Share the Bread

I'll admit that today's donation is on the lean side--even close to pitiful--but I will attempt to defend the meagerness of it anyway.  First, I have one more day until my paycheck is deposited and as always happens in August, I'm a little closer than I'd like to be to poor.  Second, I was treating myself to a Panera coffee this morning (I love the ability to add your own skim milk and cinnamon there) and I had absolutely no cash. I had to buy my coffee with my debit card, but before I headed into Panera, I grabbed all the coins that were in the change holder in my car (they were mostly pennies) and added them up.  Sure enough, I was able to give 25 cents to Share the Bread, and I'm guessing I was even one of the first people to donate today.  Here's what I'm wondering:  after my year of giving is over, will I continue to donate at Panera or will the Share the Bread box fade into the background, becoming invisible to me on the counter? 

Day 241: $5 to Rubber Duck Regatta

The Rubber Duck Regatta is an annual Labor Day event in Cincinnati with proceeds benefiting the Freestore Foodbank, one of my favorite places to donate.  Kroger makes it easy to purchase a rubber duck for the big race because they have small little coupons right by the checkout stations. I purchased one duck ($5) and logged on to the rubber duck website today to register my guy.  If my duck crosses the finish line first (out of 100,000 ducks) I will win a car!  Sounds nice, but I'm expecting not to win. It's a great idea for a fundraiser though.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Day 240: $1 to Diabetes

I was purchasing steak to grill tonight at Fresh Market when I spotted a donation box for diabetes, specifically juvenile diabetes (or JDRF).  There wasn't a lot of information posted about the fundraising, but Fresh Market definitely makes it on my list of organizations I trust with my donations.  From the website, it looks as if in two weeks, Fresh Market will be doing even more to support the foundation.

On another note, I saw two women begging for money on the street corner today on my way home from the farmer's market.  Both had signs indicating that they were single mothers. Neither looked too terrible (in fact, one was dressed pretty well), and I felt nothing but contempt for the two of them.  Of all the people in our society, single mothers have the most aid available to them through the federal government. I have to wonder if they had to support some other sort of addiction.  In all, I guess 240 days of giving money hasn't really made me any more compassionate to the plight of certain people.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Day 239: $1 for recordable storybooks for soldiers

I was at a local Hallmark store today (Kirlin's Hallmark) purchasing a gift for a friend's birthday when I saw a chance to donate money to a very local program. Employees at just this Hallmark collect money to send recordable storybooks to military personnel overseas with enough time for them to record the stories and send them back home for Christmas. I thought it was a neat idea, and the sign indicated that last year the store raised $5,000 for this endeavor. This is the type of charity where certainly every dollar counts.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Day 238: $1.01 to Share the Bread

It's funny, I think Panera's Share the Bread might end up being the place I donate to the most during my year of giving, but every time I walk into Panera, I don't really think about that.  I'm usually just thinking about making a delicious coffee with skim milk, two Splenda packets, and some cinnamon sprinkled on top.  Since I'm trying to avoid pastries or any sort of heavy breakfast, I have come to know the price of a coffee by itself--$1.99.  So, I was lucky enough this morning to have three singles, and it all worked out perfectly, including my coffee.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Day 237: Green Beans

My sister really helped me out today by not only purchasing the green beans that I donated to the Freestore Foodbank, but also putting them in the Green Bean Delivery bin for pick-up. Today was the first official day back at Milford teaching high school students full time, and three days ago was the first official day back at Miami. To say that I'm a bit overwhelmed might be an understatement. Teaching is so all-encompassing that I'm worried about continuing my daily donations.  I know that I did this last year during the school year, and when I look at the number of days I've donated (237!) in a row, it's hard to even think that I couldn't manage the rest of the year. But sometimes daily life is so busy.  Onward . . .

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day 236: Brown sandals

These sandals are cute and were worn only once. I might have tried them another time, but the fact is they were just a tad bit too tall for me. When I walked in these shoes, I could picture my ankle turning and me falling to the ground in a pile.  Once you picture that, you just have to give them away. If not, that image will come true. My question is this: Why can't they make shoes the exact right height for me?  They are always too low or too high.  I'm not that picky.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Day 235: $5 to PTSA

This is a donation that I make yearly, and of course it supports me as well as my fellow teachers and our students. Giving $5 to become a member of the PTSA at my school is something I have done every year since I started teaching. Only this year, have I wondered how many teachers join and how many teachers just ignore that piece of paper in their mailbox at the beginning of the year. We are, after all, so incredibly busy at the start of the school year. Other teachers--more frugal than I--might see giving $5 to PTSA as a waster of money. I think the organization is helpful and I am happy to support it again this year.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Day 234: $1 to Panera's Share the Bread Foundation

Today was an incredibly busy day for me, starting the school year at both Milford and Miami on the same day! Luckily, I was able to have lunch at Panera, and I was even luckier to have a dollar bill in my wallet. I once again took advantage of the easiest way to donate, and I was so grateful to have the opportunity. I even had a pair of shoes lined up today to donate today, but I absolutely did not have the time or the energy to do so. Thanks for saving me again, Panera.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Day 233: Fifty hangers to St. Vincent de Paul

I dropped off about 50 clothes hangers today at St. Vincent de Paul. Many of these hangers were nice, thick plastic hangers; others were a bit cheaper--the plastic variety that come with the clothes you purchase. As part of my clothing purge, I decided that I needed to get rid of these extra hangers that were crowding my closet. Besides the clothes that are currently hanging in my closet, I now have 15 extra regular hangers and 15 extra pant hangers.

What's even better, is that I am sure that St. Vincent de Paul can use these. Either they can use them to hang their consignment clothing on, or they can give or sell the hangers themselves. It's a win-win situation.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Day 232: $1 to Pressley Ridge Foster Care

There were a group of women and young girls camped out in front of Walmart today selling baked goods. Since I'm on a diet, I decided to forgo the baked goods and simply donate a dollar to Pressley Ridge, an organization I had never heard of before even though it's been around since 1832.  One of the young women at the table actually told me that she was graduating from Pressley Ridge and was being adopted.  It was a nice conversation. They insisted on giving me a Frisbee as well, which I donated to a bin in Walmart for elementary students.

Day 231: $1 to League for Animal Welfare

At a local bagel shop today, I felt somewhat guilty for not contributing to the tip jar. Sometimes I tip at these type of locations, sometimes I don't. I know a friend who NEVER tips at places like bagel shops and Starbucks. She believes that the tip jars are even obnoxious. I'm not sure how I feel about it. In fact, I think I change my opinion about those tip jars regularly. Anyway, when I then saw a collection box for the League of Animal Welfare (which seemed to have considerably less in it than the tip jar) I decided that was the way to go for me.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Day 230: Cheerios, Mac and Cheese, Muffins

I let my sister pick out items to donate to the Freestore Foodbank today, and I was floored when she picked my full box of Cheerio Oat Cluster cereal. She also selected a box of macaroni and cheese which I could care less about. I thought about retrieving my Cheerios from the Green Bean Delivery box before they came to exchange the boxes, but in the end I decided that someone needy could enjoy the cereal as much as I do. I can always but another box.

I also made vanilla pear muffins for the English teachers who helped paint the student-led writing center. That was a gesture of gratitude.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day 229: Four shirts

My clothing-purging season is definitely slowing down, but today I was able to part with four different tops. Among these, which included short and long sleeved selections, was a real winner--a white zip-up track suit top with orange and navy blue stripes. It seriously looked like something Ben Affleck would wear. I purchased it at one point because it matched some similar blue pants (with small orange and white stripes) but I don't think I ever actually wore the ensemble together.  It was too silky, too matchy-matchy, and just not me at all.  I still think I like the pants to exercise in, though, and I have not yet given them away. They are comfortable, and if I can;t exercise in them, I can certainly lounge around in them during the winter months.

Day 228: $1 to Share the Bread

I haven't been to Panera much this summer,so when I picked up some lunch there, I decided it was a good idea to also donate to Share th Bread. The three different cash register containers looked prett full, and I decided to stuff my dollar into the container that only has change. My black bean soup and half a tuna sandwich were delicious.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Day 227: $25 to American Diabetes Foundation

Today's donation means something to me. Diabetes and the complications from the disease killed my father, so I would like to help make a dent in the madness. I remember several years ago telling a student with diabetes that I truly felt there would be a cure during her lifetime. So far, no cure although there seem to be articles about diabetes almost daily in the media. By contributing $25 via my credit card rewards points, I am hoping to make a tiny difference in the insidious fight against the insidious disease. There really must be a cure soon. Too many suffer and die from diabetes, a disease that scares me to no end. The American Diabetes Foundation can make a difference.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Day 226: 63 cents to After School Round Up

Considering I purchased a brown short-sleeve sweater that was originally priced at $44 for $6. 37 at JC Penney today, I was more than happy to round up my price to a total of $7.  For some reason, I was the lucky recipient of two $10 off coupons from JC Penney.  This, combined with an already marked-down price on the in-season sweater, allowed me to take advantage of the great price. Penney's Pennies from Heaven program funds afterschool programs and has given over a million dollars this year. In this case, it's true that every little bit counts, and "small change can make a big difference" as they say on the JC Penney website.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Day 225: $2 to Cincinnati Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired

This year marks the 100th anniversary for the Cincinnati Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired. To mark the occasion, the organization teamed up with Busken Bakery to offer braille cookies. The cookies are $2 with $1 going directly toward funding CABVI. I purchased two cookies (and already split one of them with my sister). The cookies come with a printing braille sheet that lists the alphabet and numbers with a brief explanation. They also come with a little bag of dots to add to the braille symbols in the cookie.  Are the dots edible?  Good question; it doesn't say anywhere. Anyway, I just think this is a cool idea, and a wonderful way to make money. After all, Busken cookies are some of the most delicious in the world, braille dots or not.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Day 224: $1 to homeless pets

Since my cats were the receivers of great fortune today--$44 in food (wet and dry), snacks, and toys, I thought it appropriate to at least give a minimal dollar to PetSmart's program for homeless pets. I've had no cash for at least a week, so once again I appreciated that PetSmart allows you to donate while purchasing items with your credit or debit card.  I won't be going back for a while because I purchased so much. It also makes me so sad to see all the cats for adoption in their little glass cages. I have to look, but am sad after every visit. So sweet and cute, but I have two cats and that is quite enough.  Three cats would be bordering very closely to crazy cat lady.

Day 223: More clothing

I'm still going strong with the annual purging of the wardrobe. The bag I dropped off today had a minimum of 20 items in it. When I consider how many items of clothing I own, I immediately start thinking of Henry David Thoreau and his edict to all: simplify, simplify, simplify. I'm not there. Not even close. However, this is the first summer that I have given away/ given up so many garments at once. I'm truly proud of myself. The trick will be in not replenishing with random purchases. I would like to be a more thoughtful consumer, just as I am now a more thoughtful contributor. There is a difference, too, between being a thoughtful consumer and being cheap. I hate cheap .

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day 222: bag of clothing

I donated another bag of clothing to St. Vincent de Paul today. This bag included a once-worn dress that has some sort of animal print on it. Although the cut of the dress was tasteful, I could never get past the animal print. I felt like Peg Bundy from Married with Children. The one time I did wear the dress, I wore a black cardigan as well so that I covered half of the safari. There were probably at least 20 other items of clothing in the bag today, but none quite as disastrous, I'm sure.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 221: $1 to Share the Bread

It's been quite a while since I've been to Panera, but today I met a co-worker there to work on a presentation. Yes, school is about to begin again, and work will be in full force on a daily basis, noon and night, seven days a week. The good news for me is that by using my MyPanera card, I was able to earn a reward for the next time I am back at Panera. Wouldn't it be awesome if Panera let you use your $1 off the price of a pastry for $1 donation to Share the Bread instead?

Monday, August 8, 2011

Day 220: book to Africa

I was able to donate a book to Africa today simply by following Out of Print Clothing on Twitter. For every new follow on Twitter or Facebook, Out of Print Clothing donates one book to Africa. I don't mind following them; I I absolutely love their t-shirts. I'm sure at some point I will purchase another one. I adore my Sun Also Rises shirt, and would love some others. Maybe Moby Dick or Wuthering Heights. In the meantime, I think I will tweet again about the opportunity, Maybe I can be the instigator of more books to Africa.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Day 219: light bulbs

I gave away six chandelier light bulbs today. I purchased these awhile back, and they ended up being the wrong type (the base was too big). I would have no idea at this point where the receipt would be or where I even originally purchased the light bulbs. If it wasn't for Freecycle, I probably would have held onto them--in a junk drawer--for another few years until finally throwing them away. There are probably other items like this lurking in the cabinets and drawers of my house. If only I could call them out--Harry Potter like--instead of actually having to seek them or stumble upon them. 

Day 218: Bag of clothing

There are probably at least 20 garments in the bag I'm giving away today. I had giver's-remorse, and took back one item--a jogging suit top and bottom that were perfectly good.  When I am finished with my wardrobe purging, I am going to enact a new policy--one for one.  That means if I purchase a new sweater, I must give one away, same for pants, shoes, etc. I should do one-for-two to winnow my wardrobe to something reasonable, but I have to start somewhere.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Day 217: $1 to Bold People in Progress

It could be that these bold people are just bold enough to ask people for money outside of supermarkets; nonetheless, I appreciated the opportunity to donate a dollar to a little boy even if it goes for his mom's cigarettes. That sounds pretty cynical.  Bold People in Progress actually gave me a half sheet of paper listing the activities they support which include storytelling and puppet shows. They are a group that is "involved in positive social dynamics" and promote having "good, clean fun."  Sounds plausible.  They have a P.O. Box for an address, and there is a note at the bottom of the half-sheet that says: "The Ohio Secretary of State has our records of our nonprofit status."  What's not to believe.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Day 216: Rice Pilaf and Canned Pumpkin to Freestore Foodbank

I pulled these two items from the cupboard to donate to the Freestore Foodbank because I did not think I would make it out today. I'm taking it easy while recovering from having my upper wisdom teeth pulled. I surely should have had them pulled years ago, but they never bothered me. In fact, they still weren't bothering me, but my new dentist said that they were a problem. Ironically, one of the items I donated today--the can of pumpkin--would be suitable for eating right now. Items like rice, however, I have to steer clear from for a few days. My plans for dinner include mashed potatoes and maybe a little ice cream for dessert. I wonder if the Freestore Foodbank will save the canned pumpkin for October or November.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day 215: five journals

I donated five journals to St. Vincent de Paul today. These were pretty journals that girls would love. I had originally purchased these at a discounted price to hold onto for graduation gifts. As a teacher, I am often invited to graduation parties (some years more than others) and have to come up with gifts that are nice but won't break the bank. Since I had packed these journals away in a closet and forgotten about them, though, they seemed like a perfect donation for St. Vincent de Paul. Hopefully they will put them on sale in their store for a minimal price and multiple parties can benefit.

Day 214: $1 to USO

This donation was made purely out of convenience. I had other items already in my car to drop off at a donation center, but it was so hot, and I didn't feel like driving farther than I already had to. Thus, when I was at Kroger picking up just one item, I looked to see if they had their little plastic boxes in the checkout lanes. Sure enough, I was able to help our "heroes and their families" with my dollar donation. I think I was the only person that day who donated folding money.  Everything else was change, but that's fine. Money is money. I wonder what the USO does with this money, and why Kroger chooses that specific organization for their charity.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 213: Bag of clothing to Salvation Army

I donated to the big white box in the Kroger parking lot today (which I noticed had been recently emptied). Today I gave away six shirts and two sweaters. All of the apparel was in good condition, but perhaps a little outdated. One of the sweaters was a nice, light sweater for spring or fall, the other was a heavy winter sweater. It sort of made me sick to handle the winter sweater; after all, tomorrow we will be breaking the record for the most number of days over 90 degrees in a row. Yuck. Right now, I can't even imagine that winter will ever come again. That's one thing about living in Cincinnati --you get every extreme of the weather. My favorite is fall (even though it means going back to school).