Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day 120: care package items and $1 to youth program

Today I drove through Gold Star Chili, purchased a root beer for my sister who was with me, and handed over a few items for donation to a care package for troops overseas.  Gold Star has adopted a unit, and they requested different types of items.  I gave two Sudoku books and a pack of playing cards.  This makes it sound like soldiers are just bored and need something to do.  But I'm sure that sometimes this is actually the case.  There were a lot of other items I could have purchased for soldiers. I wonder, though, why the U.S. government isn't supplying soldiers with items like laundry detergent, deodorant, and other personal care items. It just seems strange.

I also donated $1 today to Asbury Youth Ministries--or at least a man claiming to be collecting money for such an organization.  I can't know for sure.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 119: 20+ copies of When the Legends Die

Today I was able to donate old copies of Hal Borland's When the Legends Die to a school in Ghana.  I noticed that National Honor Society (and specifically one of my students) was collecting the used books.  We've had these novels hanging around the English department book room for who knows how long, and I thought it was a great opportunity to clean out a bit.  As department chair for the past three years, I now feel comfortable making these decisions.  If I don't, no one will. There are so many other books that we don't use, but I am not comfortable giving away, but I truly feel that these books will be put to a better use in Ghana.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 118: certainly wearable Skechers

These shoes were still in pretty good shape, but I definitely haven't worn them in a while.  I have another pair of marshmallow white gym shoes (New Balance), and that's really all I probably need. You can't really wear these type of shoes with jeans--they're just too obtrusive.  I opted for keeping the NB shoes because they were real (laces and everything) and I could wear them on walks.

Day 117: Cans of tuna and fruit to Bank to Bank

The third time was a charm. I had sort of predicted that my bank, unlike the other two I visited with items for the Freestore Foodbank would actually know why I was bringing in canned goods, and I was right.  Smack in the middle of the lobby was a bin for donations (with quite a few in it already).  As I dropped my plastic Meijers bag in the bin, a teller caught my eye and said "Thank you."  I scurried off, please as can be.  My bank, a Keybank branch, may not be the most convenient or fancy, but I feel like its got heart.  Can you even say that about a bank?

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 116: Frankenstein

I've been collecting copies of Frankenstein to give to my juniors who are entering AP Lit as seniors.  But today I gave one from my stash away to Allison. She needs the book, too.  Giving literature us a worthy cause, I think, and I'll be doing more of it in the future I'm sure.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Day 115: Four Flash Drives and a lot of hard work

Today I gave away four 2GB flash drives to colleagues at work. Since I am asking so many English teachers to take on new responsibilities next year, I thought it would be nice to share information.  I copied all my AP materials for Allison, my honors 11 materials for Gina, my Digicomp for Joe.  In turn, Gina and Allison are helping Geoff, Joe is helping Gina, it goes on.  Goodwill can go a long way at work.  Let's just hope it's not ruined by some absurd merit pay system.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day 114: pretty leaf-patterned shirt

It's Easter, and I'm giving away a shirt that I really like. It's cream colored, has three-quarter length sleeves and a sage green muted leaf pattern on it. It goes perfectly with my green Toms. I had to give it away because it shrunk lengthwise. I conferred with my sister multiple times on this choice because I really like the shirt. She confirmed that the shirt was, indeed, far too short and had little hope of regenerating. In fact, my sister ever-so politely informed me that the only person who could now wear the short would be a "fat, short kid." Alas.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Day 113: black and pink gym shoes

I still have way too many pair of shoes, but today, at least, I'm down one pair.  I originally purchased these black and pink, lace-less, back-less gym shoes for a few of reasons:  I wanted a pair of black shoes to go with black yoga pants or sweatpants; I was attracted to the slip-on style; I really liked the gel part in the heel.  As with 90% of the shoes I buy, these didn't quite work out.  Part of me still wanted to keep them today, but I kept reminding myself how my feet tend to slip out of these shoes (socks or sans socks).  They'll work for someone else, I'm sure.

Day 112: $1 to Tsunami and Earthquake relief for Japan

Today was full of mishaps, and one of them was my attempt at donating.  I really wanted to dump a bag of change I had in the Coinstar and donate the amount to charity. I knew that Meijers had a Coinstar machine, and yesterday I had read on the Food for All website that you could donated through Coinstar.  When I looked at the options on the machine, however, they were only gift cards like Amazon or iTunes.  I couldn't find any charitable options at all (which seems a shame). Confused, I chose the cash option which is basically usury. Also, it caused me to have to wait in a long line for the cashier.

Later in the day, I went to Biggs and donated $1 with my checkout bill for Japan.  Still, it should be easy enough for Coinstar to have the charity option on all its machines.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 111: $1 to Food for All

I got so much accomplished today--mowed the entire lawn, did the dishes (twice), went to Dorothy Lane Market to do a little gourmet shopping, and went to Friendly's to buy a delicious watermelon roll. Dorothy Lane and Friendly's are about a 40 minute drive, so it was definitely an activity for spring break.  I knew that I would probably run into an opportunity to donate today, and I did so at Dorothy Lane (which, by the way, is one of the friendliest places to shop on earth.  Really, it's like Disney World).  At the checkout, there was the opportunity to give $1 to Food for All, a charity I had never heard of until today. It looks like a completely legitimate organization. I wish these cards with the $1 donation were at more stores.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 110: Four cans of beans to the Freestore Foodbank

I'm filled with annoyance about my donation today.  This is the second time I have dropped off food items for Cincinnati's Freestore Foodbank at participating banks.  I think the idea behind the Bank to Bank project is awesome.  What an easy way to make donating to the Freestore convenient and rewarding--at least in theory. However, this just hasn't been my experience.  When handing over my four cans of beans (a suggested item to donate) I was greeted with, "Oh, yeah. I can take care of that," from a clearly annoyed teller.  In an instant I got the overwhelming feeling that they really just want you to donate money, not food. I had already had to track down a bank branch that was open late in order to donate, had to walk into Kroger with a bag of food (which just feels weird) and my feet were hurting!  I really had just wanted to go home, not donate, but I made myself. But to deal with the teller who was not only unappreciative, but actually annoyed really did not make me feel good at all.  It made me feel cheap because I wasn't donating money.  Later this week, I'm going to try this one more time at a different bank.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 109: $10 to Food Pantry

This was a quick donation today. I was at Meijers and picked up the $10 donation to a food pantry card.  This is the second time I've donated to the Mt. Repose Baptist Church Food Pantry by purchasing the food card at Meijers.  The funny thing is I already had my donation planned today (more food for the bank to bank project) but I was in a hurry and at Meijers anyway.

I would like to know if other people pick up the $10 donation card while at the checkout.  Just curious about the statistics.  How many people donate a day?

Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 108: Two Jars of Peanut Butter

My mother clued me in on this donation opportunity.  There are several local banks in Cincinnati accepting non-perishable food items for donation to the Freestore Foodbank downtown.  The program, called the Bank to Bank Food and Funds Drive, runs through April 29 makes it extremely convenient to donate to one of the most reputable organizations we have in the Greater Cincinnati area to help struggling families and individuals.  I plan to donate several times over the next week or so.

Today I dropped of two jars of peanut butter (one of the suggested items) at a local Fifth Third branch right by my home. Because I had to drive to Oxford today for class and a training session, I looked online and found the location most convenient to my route. The employees were impeccably dressed and the facility clean, organized (even plush you might say), but there was no donation bin in the lobby. (Maybe they thought it would look tacky.) I was greeted immediately, and since I was in a bit of a rush I just asked outright if they were collecting for the drive.  The man wearing a dark suit and too much cologne (actually I just made that part up about the cologne) didn't know, but he went immediately to seek a supervisor, a woman in very high heels who said that yes, she "thought" they were. I handed over my jars--not even in a bag--and skedaddled right out of there.  I heard the impeccable dressed man say something to the effect of, "Thanks, how kind of you," as I left.  I think I shocked them a bit.  Here I was, a woman in gym shoes and jeans, just dropping off peanut butter to unsuspecting bank employees. Could be worse, though, when you think about what might walk through a bank entrance. Hopefully it won't be too much of a problem for them to get the food to the right location. Maybe they will even put a bin out so people will notice.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 107: Brown Paisley shirt

This shirt has never been worn, only tried on countless times in front of the mirror. I like the pattern, I like the colors, I have pants to match, but I can't stand the fit of this shirt.  It must go. I plan on putting today's donation in the St. Vincent DePaul box. This will help insure that the shirt goes to a person who needs it instead of being sold or recycled and a portion of the money given to a good cause.

Day 106: hot pink Danskin t-shirt

I believe I purchased this t-shirt randomly because I thought it would go nicely under my black warm-up suit (sweatsuit, track suit, whatever people call them). Of course, it was a bit too small when I bought it, so after a few washings, it is definitely only suited for an underneath garment. It's still in great shape, though, so hopefuly someone else will enjoy it. I believe I will never miss it.

A goal for the summer:  pare down my collection of t-shirts to only those I like and fit well.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 105: $1 to Share the Bread

In line at Panera this morning, I considered that I might not have a lot of time to donate today, so before 7:00 a.m. I gave my daily donation in the form of one dollar. Yesterday my sister and I noted that my giving seemed to be coming around (in the sense of karma). At one store, a woman let me ho in front of her.  At another, a complete stranger came up and gave me a $3 off coupon for my purchase. I thanked both women effusively because I was a bot surprised to be on the receiving end of the generosity.

Day 104: How to Read Literature Like a Professor

I went to Half-Price Books to look around for texts for my students and myself, and I had the idea of picking up a copy of How to Read Literature Like a Professor for my friend and colleague, Gina.  She has always mentioned that she wants to read the book--multiple times.  I thought it would be easier for her to actually read it if she had a copy.  Considering spring break is approaching, and Allison is reading the book as well, perhaps Gina will find the time and inclination she needs to read it.  I know she would enjoy it, and it's not often that we get to read a book about our profession that we actually enjoy.  It's like work and pleasure in one.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 103: $15 for a 5K run for Young Life

I donated $15 today to one of my students who is raising money to attend a Young Life camp this summer. This student kind of caught me off-guard, but at the same time I was happy to do this for him. I would much rather see a student do something to earn money (even if it is join a race) than just ask for money.  I've had students ask for money to attend mission trips in the past, and I have felt uncomfortable and even slightly offended. What would happen if I went around asking people to donate to my vacation? 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 102: Race for the Cure and Share the Bread

I went to a local store today--the Miami Market--to pickup some of my mother's favorite chicken salad with cranberries, and I was pleased to find a donation jar at the cash register.  I donated 75 cents to Seipelt Elementary's fund-raising efforts for Race for the Cure.  Later, when I stopped by Panera to pick up some bread and some delicious soup for tomorrow's lunch, I also donated $1 to Share the Bread. I actually ended up donating $1.05 because I tried to use a nickel to shove the awkwardly hanging dollar down a little further into the plastic container. My efforts did not succeed, and I looked foolish, so I quit.

At both locations today, there was someone in line behind me when I donated. Both time I wondered if the person noticed my donation and if he was inspired to donate as well. Maybe. Maybe not at all.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 101: Two-Pocket Folder

Today I gave a paper folder to a student who needed one. When he asked, I at first tried to give him a file folder because it was handy.  He said, "No, forget it. I need the other kind."  When I went through my cabinets to find him the type he wanted--just a simple blue folder with two pockets, he was sincerely happy and grateful.  It was a simple gift today, but I still made a difference for someone, however small.  I don't want to moralize, but it does have me wondering what a day would be like where everyone tried to do something nice or give something to the people around them.  What would it be called?  Do Something Nice Day?  Who would participate?  Who wouldn't?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 100: Purple Sweater

I was wondering if on Day 100 I would give something monumental to make this occasion, but instead I've given away another sweater.  A nice one though.  Today was a record-breaking 86 degrees.  I may have made that up--the record breaking part, but regardless it was an unusually hot day.  I think this might be one of the reasons that I'm giving away so many sweaters lately.  This sweater only had one flaw--it was a little too short. Other than that, the sweater was perfect and in excellent condition. Someone who likes short sweaters may care for it.

In other news, I mowed my lawn today. This is truly monumental because I have never done that in my life. I've always paid someone to do it for me. I purchased a cordless electric lawn mower yesterday and charged it up.  It worked really well, and I can tell that it's going to be a workout for me.  Good, I need it. 

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 99: Bubblegum sweater

I'm sure that someone will appreciate this sweater, but I just couldn't handle it anymore. It's a plain crew neck sweater, but the pepto pink, or bubblegum pink, or barbie pink (they all describe the color equally well) made me feel conspicuous every time I wore it. I tried it on again and again, but the sweater just wasn't me. It was in excellent condition, so whoever gets my sweater from the Salvation Army will have like-new item for his or her wardrobe.  Of course, I guess it could end up anywhere, maybe even as a costume in a play or as part of a quilt.  Who knows.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 98: the linebacker sweater

Today I donated a sweater that made me look like a linebacker.  It's a cream-colored, short sleeved, open cardigan with just three buttons near the top.  There is something about the fit though (and maybe something about the wearer) that made me look like I started on defense. It probably doesn't help that I have a habit of sticking my sweaters in the washer and dryer.  I can't help it. I'd rather wear something misshapen and shrunken than something smelly or stained. I think I probably saw a picture of myself in this sweater once or caught myself in he mirror at an odd angle.  Ever since then, I've tried the sweater on with various outfits to no avail. Last night I tried it again and got angry enough to bag it up for donation.  Who knows, now that the NFL may be going on strike, some lineman may be in need of a little charity.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 97: $1 to Ohio Valley Voices

I donated (for possible the third or fourth time) to Ohio Valley Voices while buying my morning coffee from White Castle.  It was easy enough, and I was happy to have my obligation completed for the day. I'm not sure that any other opportunities surfaced throughout the day.  Thinking about tomorrow though . . .

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 96: Easter Candy, money to EE, money to Race for the Cure, Ronald McDonald

Meager donations but plenty of them today. I donated 52 cents of change from my Diet Coke at McDonalds, I filled our communal English department Easter basket with chocolate, I tipped the Eagle Eatery students 50 cents for the delivery of lunch, and I purchased baked goods for Gina and for me from students who were fund-raising for Race for the Cure. I like this kind of a day. So many opportunities, but nothing overwhelming.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 95: $10 to Food Pantry

Today I decided to donate $10 to a local food pantry while I was at Mejiers. The store makes this especially easy by placing cards with UPC symbols for you to pick up at the checkout. I believe I gave to the Mount Repose Baptist Church Food Pantry. If I'm going to be brutally honest, when I was giving, I wished there had been a $5 option instead of just a $10.  Also, when I read the back of the card, I realized that my money will be converted to a gift card for someone who goes to the food pantry. Now I feel like the people at the checkout who judge what people are buying with food stamps.  I don't want to be judgmental, but I would have felt better about it if Meijers was donating healthy food staples for people's pantries.  I guess I'm being cynical. I guess I'm saying that I don't trust the struggling person with the gift card I paid for to select appropriate options.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 94: $2 to Water to Well--Water for Haiti and $1 to Reece's Rainbow

My mom heard about this possibility for donating on the local news.  Basically, a local woman has started a water bottle company that makes 100% bio-degradable water bottles. As her company was getting off the ground, the earthquake in Haiti occurred, and she decided that they should ship everything from her warehouse to Haiti.  Next, a band from a local church, Loveland United Methodist got involved. They wrote a song that can be downloaded for any donation.  The net profits go directly to water for Haiti.  This was a neat way to donate locally and globally.  Too bad the page to download the song wasn;t working, so I will never hear it.  Oh well.

I was also able to vicariously donate $1 today to Reece's Rainbow, a Down Syndrome Orphan Ministry, because I read an article this morning saying that actress Patricia Heaton would donate $1 for every Twitter follower (up to 10,000).  I thought for sure the number would be surpassed, but when I got to Twitter I was only about 1,000 or so.  Right now, Reece's Rainbow has just reached 10,000.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day 93: $1 to homeless pets

I had to stop by PetSmart today for some of the newest Fancy Feast variety of cat food (it has cheese in it). I was able to donate $1 to homeless pets while there.  I'm still wondering about the blog I read yesterday and the link to another blog titles Good Intentions Are Not Enough. This is where the counter campaign for Tuesday's Day Without Shoes Comes From. I feel depressed when I read the counter campaign and infected with cynicism.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 92: Share the Bread and One-to-One shoes from Toms

I woke up relatively early today so that I could go into work for about three hours (9-12). I stopped for coffee at Panera (love to  put cinnamon in my coffee and they have a shaker) and I donated a dollar to their Share the Bread charity.  Later, my sister and I went to Nordstrom's to look for a new pair of Toms shoes. I picked out the cream colored classic style. Toms donates a pair of shoes to a child in a developing nation for every pair purchased. I love my new shoes, and I love the one-to-one model of business.  I was disheartened today to see a blog post at Huffington criticizing the Toms shoes philosophy and the upcoming One Day Without Shoes event.  So much cynicism in the world.

Day 91: craft supplies for Freecycler

I emailed Diane from my local Freecycle group today to let her know that I have successfully saved one 18 oz oatmeal container and three Pringles containers.  I acquired one of the Pringles containers from Geoff at work.  The other two I've been saving. Pringles are delicious, and this was a good excuse to eat some.  I discovered, too, that the best kind are the plain Pringles.  (They now make 800,000 varieties of Pringles, and I think some include ketchup.)  This is true of a lot of things.  Plain cheese pizza is delicious.  White socks. Jeans and t-shirt.  Grapes, bananas, and apples. Tossed salad with just a few good, but really fresh ingredients.  Simplicity rules.

I don't really know how the containers will be used--I've imagined a giant cardboard robot, but it probably has more to do with kaleidoscopes or drums or something.  Could be a piggy bank.  The opportunities are endless with reclaimed containers.  Personally, I used to love making guitars out of kleenex boxes and rubber bands.