Saturday, May 7, 2011

Day 127: $1 to Share the Bread and $1 to Alzheimer's

I had a morning meeting with the new OWP tech team today at Panera (Voice of America location). Since I knew I would be there, I made sure to have a single to donate to the Share the Bread box. It was an incredibly easy way to donate, and I felt my mission was completed for the day. After the meeting I shopped at Target and Hallmark (buying up Mother's Day wares) and then headed to Kroger to use the vending machine for scratch-off lottery tickets.  My mother requires these for all holidays, and I'm incredibly embarrassed to buy them at Kroger or Meijer near my own home; since I was halfway across the world, I decided to stop in the VOA area Kroger.  On the way in, a Kroger employee asked me if I would like to donate to Alzheimer's.  The syntax of that sentence is strange itself, almost like I'm helping the disease of Alzheimer's to become stronger and promulgate, get over the rough patches perhaps.  Anyway, I briefly thought of saying no.  After all, my requirement for the day had already been fulfilled. But I had already spent so much money on myself, and I was, after all , just about to waste $5 on useless lottery tickets, that I felt it would be bad karma to refuse. The can held by the Kroger employee said "Forget-Me-Not," which I thought was a either a relatively good slogan for Alzherimer's or sort of a cruel pun.  Couldn't decide. I know Alzheimer's affects a lot of people and knows no boundaries. So far, I have not been closely affected by the disease, so I feel lucky about that. This donation went to a good cause.  The man entering Kroger right in front of me apparently did not agree because he did not donate. I wonder how much they collected today.

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