Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 52: $2 to homeless pets at PetSmart

Today is one of the dreariest days I've encountered in quite awhile. It was wonderful to have President's Day off from my job at Milford, but I did still have to drive to Oxford to teach my English 112 class while the gray sky spit out a foggy rain depressing enough to make any creature question existence.  Wow, that was melodramatic.

I stopped at PetSmart on the way to class purchase some food for my cat Callie (aka Her Fatness, The Fatter Catter, Fuzzy, Spot, Bug, Fluffy McFluffster). I knew it was the perfect opportunity to donate in what has got to be still one of the easiest ways I've found to give.

On my drive I heard a story on NPR about a woman who has been sending notes to Starbucks on the little comment cards for five years--every day for five years. NPR also referenced the artist who took a Polaroid of himself every day for (can't remember maybe 10) years. I was struck by how I'm falling into this category.  Why do we do these things?  That's a question I'll need to answer at some point.

I'm excited for my weekend of writing that is coming up.  Well, as excited as I get about imposed writing.  It's a good idea, but you have to make yourself do it.  All along, I've been planning to use the time to spruce up this blog, maybe write a mission, combine some of the entries.  We'll see.

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