Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 67: $1 to Milford-Miami Ministries

I finally got my oil changed today, and I was lucky to pick a local company to do so. As I was paying, I noticed a Mason jar on the counter to donate money to Milford-Miami Ministries. The jar had only a small amount of money in it, so I found a dollar in my wallet, folded it up, and fit it through the slot in the Mason jar lid. Milford-Miami Ministries (formerly the Mary Miller Fund) is a longstanding local charity that helps all sort of people who are down on their luck. I was more than happy to donate to them.  It's like these donation jars are just popping up for me lately!  On the way home, I stopped at McDonalds for a Mocha Frappe and donated another 75 cents to the Ronald McDonald House charities. A modest but successful day.

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