Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 60: $1 to fight brain cancer in children

As today draws to a close, I'm moderately satisfied with what I have accomplished. Paradoxically, in order for me to catch up on my work, I had to take a day off from work. I've named this phenomenon the English Teacher's Dilemma. I know other teachers out there understand the situation--grading backed up, bureaucratic paperwork piling up, letters of recommendation overdue, and it goes on.

The good part of taking a personal day on a random Tuesday, is that my donating was incredibly easy.  I "Paneraed" myself this morning--this part of the vernacular of my Milford colleagues. We have to Panera ourselves in order to grade without distractions. It works best in the community room at Panera and in the early hours. Without hardly thinking, I gave $1 to Share the Bread. This is becoming customary for me.  I enjoyed my breakfast and graded about 60 essays in 2.5 hours.  Not bad.

Later in the afternoon, my sister and I went to Gold Star Chili for lunch. The goal was two-fold. I had heard on the radio that Gold Star was collecting dollar donations for something (turned out to be for a charity that fights brain cancer in children). Also, I noticed on the internet yesterday that Gold Star now has vegetarian chili burritos, and I thought this deserved a try. The burrito was fine (maybe the vegan chili would be better on a three-way, though) and the box to donate a dollar was conveniently placed by the register.  I also got to donate a quarter to another children's charity to fight lymphoma.

Back to grading. Even though it's the evening, there are still papers, and stacks to grade before I sleep, and stacks to grade before I sleep.  (OK, they aren't stacks.  They are electronic). 

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