Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 9: Black shoes

I haven't ventured out of my home yet today. Instead I've been drinking decaf mixed with hot chocolate and just relaxing. Yes, I should be grading papers and getting ready for the week ahead, but with the prospect of a snow day looming on Tuesday, I'm feeling dangerously lazy. Nonetheless, as soon as I'm out today, I will give away a nice pair of black dress shoes. These shoes have been hanging around for a few months because of their clever deception. You might know the type--they feel incredibly comfortable when you try them on, but after ten minutes of walking around in them, the love affair sours and you start thinking about a trial separation. I even put shoe stretchers in this pair to try to salvage our relationship, but this pair resisted my efforts. It's time to call it quits.

I do not feel any regret about these shoes, and I'm not going through the waffling of yesterday with the two imperfect coats. I also read an article today about stuff and the value of possessions. I liked a specific line about not allowing your possessions to own you. It reminds me a bit of how shocked I was when my father died to realize that he actually owned pretty few possessions. Looking back now, I like the idea.  Thinking I should re-read Anne Tyler's book, Earthly Possessions. I wonder how much it is on Kindle.

1 comment:

  1. What a great feeling to get rid of something that literally doesn't fit you or your life. Thanks for the link to the article, too.
